This blog has been an idea in the making for many years now, designed to help educate individuals, families and children. Our team is comprised of talented writers, editors and passionate parents. This blog is a collection of bed-time stories told from parents all over the word.
Sleep and Early Brain Development

Sleep and Early Brain Development

Our series on infant sleep and its effects on development, which we co-authored with the journal Infant Behavior and Development, includes this post. A special issue on the effects of...

The Power Of Distributed Sleep Of Child

The Power Of Distributed Sleep Of Child

Important Lessons For Caretakers Early learning is aided by naps. Until about 12 to 18 months of age, infants usually sleep in repeated bouts, such as morning and afternoon naps. While missing naps...

How to Build Confidence in Kids

How to Build Confidence in Kids

What is confidence? Confidence is a form of trust. You might have confidence in anything you read or hear, confidence in a buddy, confidence in a number of things. Self-confidence...